Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tips and Tricks

Since starting our journey for a healthier lifestyle, I've had a lot of friends and family members ask me for advice on losing weight, feeling better and working out. 

I'm not an expert. Not even close. I'm not certified in anything at all. My only advice comes from my personal experience. And I'm still on my journey. I have fitness goals yet to reach, lifestyle changes yet to be made and weight loss goals yet to be hit. 

But, I do feel like I have some knowledge and resources that I can share, and I'd love to be able to direct someone to all of the things that float around in my head. So, I decided I'm going to start posting tips and tricks with details on where to go after you read what I have to say.

If you stumbled upon here or if I sent you here, I hope this information is valuable. 

Please reach out to me if you have questions or comments:

Thanks for reading,


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